Agak terkejut dengan berita yang dibaca dari thestar tentang blogger sixthseal dan google disaman Rm6 juta oleh sebuah restoran makanan mewah yang diiktiraf oleh Lonely Planet di Kota Kinabalu.
Jothy’s Fish Head Curry restaurant director Tharumaraj Sivaperumal filed a RM6mil civil suit at the Kota Kinabalu High Court here Monday, naming blogger Poh Huai Bin as first defendant and California-based Google Inc as second defendant.
The suit is arising from some allegedly defamatory statements about Jothy’s Fish Head Curry restaurant posted in May last year by Poh, originally from Sibu in Sarawak and now residing in
Jothy’s, represented by counsel Marcel Jude Joseph, is seeking exemplary or punitive damages to deter them from making similar statements in future and an order to restrain Poh from defaming the restaurant on the Internet.
Jothy’s is also seeking an order from the court to remove the offending articles from Google and other popular search engines used on the Internet.
As a result of the defendants’ action, the plaintiff claimed it had suffered loss and damage, and its reputation had been affected both locally and internationally.
The plaintiff claimed that the good reputation of the restaurant, in operation since 1987, was known globally and reported as a well-known destination in Kota Kinabalu and Sabah, in the global television and book series Lonely Planet, referred to as an authority for tourists throughout the world.
The plaintiff also claimed that the posting and articles of the first defendant were available and read by Internet users throughout Sabah and Malaysia, adding that the second defendant conducted business within the jurisdiction of Malaysian courts because its search engine was used regularly by Internet users in the country.
Memang terkejut gila. Rm6 juta tu bukan 6 posen. Selepas ini memang kena berhati – hati bila buat entri apalagi melibatkan restoran mahal dan terkemuka. Hopefully, sixthseal akan menang kes ini nanti dan sekaligus mengurangkan rasa risau blogger untuk buat review makanan nanti.
P/s: Article dari blog sixthseal tak boleh nak buka dari tadi tapi boleh baca cache dari google.
Sumber : TheStar
mmng terkejut kot~
kalau food tak sedap..camne nak bagi review yg menarik...
huhuhu.. a'a la
fuh,6 million,,
boleh bli audi x8 ,ruma banglo
atas bukit sbiji,,
kekwatnya restoran tersebut... bek lepas ni aku buat entry pasal kedai mamak yg aku slalu pg dulu...
menakutkan.... nk bagi opinion pon susah 2.... skrg ni suka sngat kes saman2.... huhu
@@ black paper
a'ah.. boleh wat simpanan tuk hari tua.. x yah keje makan gaji daaa..
@@ eddy syrol
haha.. wat kedai mamak jer la
so kita kena hati2 la.. jgn smpai terguris hati tuan blog
buat food review masakan sendiri lagi baik....tah apa2...
yup..... maafkan sy tuan blog..... hehe
@@ suzzsuzie
hehe.. Awang x marah awk.. ni kita just berhati2 smasa mgomen
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